A couple months ago I thrifted this awesome striped set for about $50 and couldn’t wait to share it with my stylist. However, Michelle wasn’t a fan. So it was fitting that she challenged me on the spot to my second style challenge: two-piece sets.
After last week’s pastel challenge I was excited to give it a go. We would both style an outfit where once again, each piece cost under $100. I was already ahead of the game with my striped thrifted set which I paired with my new black Converse high tops and a white T-shirt. I love bold patterns and stripes (seen before here and here) and I couldn’t resist when I found this set in my size at Buffalo Exchange.
For the second look, Michelle put together this ASOS black jacket with matching cropped pants. She paired it with a fresh white tee, a couple leather bracelets, and my old Gucci-esque or Fucci (fake Gucci) loafers from Target. She described it as NY chic. All I could see was a lot of ankle, but she convinced me to just go for it. Last week we talked about matched sets looking polished and expensive—and I couldn’t agree more. I do appreciate that it looks pretty GQ and the entire look was just over $100.
I think it’s important to always push yourself to try new styles because you never know how you’re going to feel until you try it on and take it for a spin. For me, fit is very important and sometimes the difference between a good outfit and a great outfit is wearing the right size or a good tailor. I would probably hem or taper my thrifted striped pants but otherwise I stand by my choice.
Which look is your favorite? Head to my Instagram to vote!
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